SHARP is a Free Online Calculator developed based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Everybody needs a calculator at some point or the other, get the ease of calculating any math concepts that are daunting for you. Maths can be your biggest nightmare but with our online tools provided it’s not going to be difficult anymore.

Operations performed by the Calculator SHARP is Addition (+),Subtraction (-),Multiplication (*) and Division (/). The operations can be invoked by the respective symbols.


The inputs to the calculator is given using the on screen keypad. The keys are numbered from 0-9.


The output of the operation is shown on the screen as a single line.

>>>DEL button

The DEL button deletes the numbers on the screen digitwise. This is useful if we mistype a number

>>>AC button

The AC button clears all the values on the screen.

>>> = button

The = button gives the output of the operations.
